Happy Holidays from NCPS! In case you didn't receive an email. Check out Dr. Ellis' first newsletter, which he wishes the NCPS community a Happy Holiday, via the link below. https://ncps.edurooms.com/engage/dr-ellis-newsletter/newsletters/happy-holidays-from-ncps
about 1 year ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
happy holidays from NCPS!
Dear Gryphon Students, It is bittersweet that I bid you farewell as I enter retirement. I want to say you have been my life's work, and I have enjoyed every moment with you, trying to make a difference. I know I was not perfect as your principal, but please know that I tried to be an ideal father to all of you. Yes, I said father because I approached each day trying to care for every student I have ever come in contact with as if they were my daughter. When my daughter was growing up (and still today), not only did I make sure she was safe and secure first, but I always tried to teach and mold her by providing her with the foundational things that would help her be successful in life and to be a good person. So, as I move on past these school walls of Rocky Mount High School, I wish to leave you with this: If you ever begin to wonder why Mr. Colvin spent so many years working with young people, it is because I wanted to do the same thing someone did for me when I was a student. My teachers and other staff were phenomenal when I was in elementary, middle, and high school. Those people played a tremendous role in shaping who I became as an individual, and I never forgot that. The lesson is this: honor and respect the faculty and staff who show up every day to make a difference in your young lives. Your teachers and staff members are the most under-appreciated people in the workforce, but they have the most important job of taking care of you. If you ever want to let me know that I made a difference in your life, then let me hear about how you honor, respect, and appreciate the people standing before you every day - your teachers and other staff members. Thanks, and Godspeed, my Gryphon Students. Mr. Colvin
about 1 year ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
corrected image of colvin
NC Law Senate Bill 49 / SL 2023-106 states that from 01/01/24, to include a child in photos/videos/recordings, parents/guardians must Opt-In. This consent allows for yearbook inclusion and school-related social media presence. Non-opted-in students won't feature in new media by the school/district. Find the form in Rooms, under Materials -> "Mandatory" -> "updated model release form".
about 1 year ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
Model release form instructions
Good Evening, Bus 210 for Rocky Mount High will not have a driver in the morning. Please plan accordingly. We apologize for the inconvenience that this situation has caused. Thank you for your patience and have a great evening.
about 1 year ago, La'Tricia Morris
Hello, Bus 211 will not have a driver AM or PM for Rocky Mount Highschool. This bus will complete this route on testing days only. We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for ongoing patience.
about 1 year ago, Lori Hilliard
Good morning, Bus 211 does not have a driver for AM or PM, until further notice. This bus will complete this route on testing days only. We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Have a great day!
about 1 year ago, Lori Hilliard
Not sure where to start in your scholarship search? These six simple steps can help you figure out how & when to apply. Find more scholarship success tips from @FAFSA at https://ow.ly/nmkL50QbYhT.
about 1 year ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
Where to find the model release form? (the document for images/video/audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dRiOtCl8s0
about 1 year ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
january 1, 2024
If you live in EDGECOMBE COUNTY + parent of a student in a NCPS High School. Tonight, there is an info session at RMHS in the Media Center from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. You can watch live https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC92qlbVXtXzcBwkeiu9sAqg. The deadline is soon to decide if your child will stay or transfer out.
about 1 year ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
Here's what's happening: If you are an EDGECOMBE COUNTY Resident and have a child/children or family member in a NCPS High School. The deadline is coming up soon for you to make a decision if your high school student will be staying at their school or transferring out. TONIGHT, there is an information session to review this information.
about 1 year ago, Nash County Public Schools
Here's what's happening: If you are an EDGECOMBE COUNTY Resident and have a child/children or family member in a NCPS High School. The deadline is coming up soon for you to make a decision if your high school student will be staying at their school or transferring out. TONIGHT, there is an information session to review this information.
Good evening: We are dedicated to ensuring that you are well-informed about the demerger and transition plan, as it will significantly impact your child, family member, or a friend. Please share this important update, to help spread this upcoming event. This message is to keep you updated and aware of the ongoing developments of the demerger and plan of transition. Here's what's happening: If you are an EDGECOMBE COUNTY Resident and have a child/children or family member in a Nash County Public School High School. The deadline is coming up soon for you to make a decision if your high school student will be staying at their school or transferring out. Monday, there is an information session to review this information. Monday, December 11 at Rocky Mount High School at 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. in the media center. Bring or tell your parent/guardian and Family! This is where they can learn more and ask questions. Please get in touch with us via this form for any questions: https://forms.gle/JBiqf3UnrgfC3MR76. Demerger landing page, https://www.ncpschools.net/o/ncps/page/ncpsdemerger. Thank you so much. NCPS-Transition Team
about 1 year ago, Heather Louise “HL” Finch
demerger meeting
RMHS Exam Schedule Parents, please remember to get your student to school by 7:30 am. This will ensure that they have time to get to their testing room on time and get settled before testing starts!
about 1 year ago, Shira Parrish
Good Evening, Bus 211 for Rocky Mount High for the remainder of the week will not have a bus driver in the morning. We apologize for the inconvenience that this situation has caused. Please plan accordingly. Thank you and have a great evening.
about 1 year ago, La'Tricia Morris
Good morning, Bus 211 does not have a driver this morning. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Have a great day!
about 1 year ago, Lori Hilliard
Good Evening, Bus 52 for Rocky Mount High will not have a driver in the morning. Please plan accordingly. We apologize for the inconvenience that this situation has caused. Thank you for your patience and have a great evening.
about 1 year ago, La'Tricia Morris
Good Morning, Bus 142 will be on bus 330 this morning for Rocky Mount High. The bus is running 20 minutes behind this morning due to mechanical issues. The bus is currently in route. We apologize for the inconvenience. Have a great day.
about 1 year ago, La'Tricia Morris
Say Something Tips. See It. Report It. All NCPS Middle and High Schools have the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, you can submit a mental health or safety concern on our tips page. To report something visit: https://www.p3campus.com/tipform.aspx?ID=3000&HF=1&Logo=0&X=1&H=0
about 1 year ago, Nash County Public Schools
Say something Anonymous reporting system
Good morning Bus 142 has started the route and is delayed by about 35 minutes. We thank you for your patience. Have a great day!
about 1 year ago, Lori Hilliard
Good morning, Bus 142 is delayed. We are uncertain of the time this bus will be back in route. We will update the status once this bus is back in route. We apologize and thank you for your patience.
about 1 year ago, Lori Hilliard
Good morning, Bus 228 is about 20 minutes delayed this morning. We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Have a great day!
about 1 year ago, Lori Hilliard